Sunday, 18 July 2021

About the chosen by God, the children of God and slaves of God

one of the most things I get criticized for is the strange unusual ideas that come to me mind which wonder sometimes about the information that he gathers about the history of humankind.
one of the things that really affected my way of thinking along long time ago and never had the courage to speak about it to people was the strange notice I see in monotheism religion.
- The first religion in the monotheism religion was Judaism, and one of the most fundamentalist ideas in ancient Judaism was the idea and I quote from Wikipedia:
"In Judaism, "chosenness" is the belief that the Jews, via descent from the ancient Israelites, are the chosen people, i.e. selected to be in a covenant with God. The idea of the Israelites being chosen by God is found most directly in the Book of Deuteronomy as the verb baḥar (בָּחַ֣ר (Hebrew)), and is alluded to elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible using other terms such as "holy people"" end quote.
Jewish liturgy and is expressed in many passages of Scripture, as for example: “For you are a people holy to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people of his own possession, out of all the nations that are on the face of the earth” (Deut. 14:2). The term chosen people is a free translation of the biblical terms ʿam segullah (“treasure people”) and ʿam nahallah (“heritage people”).

- In Christianity the idea of being the children of God, or in another word the children of the Father is the main idea currently dominating the Christian community in all of its sectors and i quote also from genesis answers website :
"In an amazing display of His love and mercy, the Father is pleased to make us His children.
Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! (1 John 3:1)"
God’s love for us is the reason He created mankind in the first place; He gave life to the first man, and thus, became the true Father of the human race. Then, although God clearly warned that the penalty for rebellion is death (Genesis 2:17), Adam and Eve chose to sin—they denied God’s position as their Father and brought themselves (and all mankind, their descendants) under God’s righteous judgment.
- Muslims on the other hand as the last monotheism religion had a very different approach.
Chapter (19) sūrat maryam (Mary)

The direct translation to this is :
He spake: Lo! I am the slave of Allah. He hath given me the Scripture and hath appointed me a Prophet,
of course, I am a native Arabic speaker and even if the other translation says that i am a servent an Arabic native can easily understand the difference in language between slave and servent ( عبد و خادم)
of course, I am just making the point that why all of our religious teachers in the Arabic world never indicated this and the difference in the unconscious mind programming between the three religious.
I lived for a long time with a big belief in my heart and I used to pray for a long time and read a lot of prayers that revolve around this idea and never been anyone by it. Actually although now I really don't like the word slave as it is against everything I believe in, yet one of the most beloved names to my heart in Islam is currently (Abd allah= slave of God) which is a widely known name in Islamic culture and I doubt any of the people who have this name ever thought it about it this way unless they were bullied.
Any way although all of this big difference in the main way of thinking its an irony to notice that slavery was widely practiced in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism in ancient times, and had lots of laws approved by ministers and church, and heads of religious sectors in some time of the history of each religious based on their own religious evolution. Yet the people who have been enslaved for a long time of their history and had a lot of hardship in this matter particularly were the ones called the chosen ones by God. The Jewish people. Their history talks a lot about the first enslavement of their people and the second enslavement ..and the holocaust ..and was persecuted for thousands of years and although some of them use that to justify wrong deeds toward Palastinenian in Palestine now which is of course not accepted, yet there is something terribly wrong with this picture and the flow of history ..Am I the only person seeing this.
That doesn't change the fact that Jewish peopel are now one of the most sofisticated, smart, and rich people in the world.
I am not too much into religion now, actually I hardly ever pray although I used to, and I still believe in God but when I see the way religion is used to separate and control people now I know that most of the heritage of the real Prophets of our history in this area has been lost and lost its true essence and Values. I am not criticizing any of the above but based on my experience with a lot of sectors and religions and a lot of bad experiences I found it really hard to hate someone or feel superior to him based on his beliefs only. I come from a minority yet sometimes I feel I reached a point that I am more biased toward my minority because of a lot of bad deeds by some people in it more than I have any bias toward any other belief.
of course, I will come back to this subject sometime in the future and I know my words here doesn't worth a lot yet I am currently in the mood of writing maybe because it's a holiday and close to some holy days in a very difficult time in my area. and I want to practice writing English more it has been some time.

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