Saturday, 10 June 2023

In God We trust

I Was always fascinated by this sentence.. In God We trust printed on the 100 dollars bills in USA.. 
I always noticed the building that separates the sentence into two main sentences... as if it is a symbol of the state or the church intermediate with trusting God.. I don't want to talk about ilumminaties theories that is roaming the internet... but the truth being said that the united state is the country which have the  highest number of growing Christians in the world.. they even called it sometimes the country of God or the country of new religions... because let's be clear they have alot of new Christian branches that come up every couple of decades... any way they are in general true believers.. take aside the gangs or the bad parts of community.. but that country symbolized the Christians power in the world and separation of church and states and science for at least the last 150 years.. with it having the best and most brilliant minds of the world going there.. yet in (In God we trust) Doesn't fit there image in the world any more.. with all respect to their history.  but I found a very famous Jwish Rabbie called Simon Jacobson who I listen to alot.. because simply he talk about religious in scientific way and somehow he connect the need for believing in God with psychology... I like that... any way he talk alot about their community and history and he have one episode about this matter or this sentence... I always was really spectical about that untill I listened to this podcast.. no one ever put it in this way before and to be honest... after all I have been through.. and after the bad life in the last couple of years and for someone coming from my background and story... it will be horrible if I continue this life with the idea of God killed inside me  especially in UAE... maybe God does not exist... maybe we are monkies... maybe the people especially that were making my life difficult are correct.. but continue to live with out the idea of God existing is very very difficult for my background... thank you Rabbie I really appreciate the time you use to share your wisdom... ppl like me need that desperately. against the evil that they Incounter in this life with no country and no strong tribe protection in this desert.
link is here click to watch

Stories from my life:The animal Zoo

It's simple.. life is a zoo.. humans are the animals... and law is the zoo keeper... then suddenly the zoo keeper dies and after his death the animals started eating and attacking each other's in a vicious way... some of them were predetors... some of them were born killers... others were Mamels... and some of them were like me... not interested in the hunt.. but they saw all of them hunting them... so they evolved... they didn't evolve fast enough because the wild is not fair.. but evolved fast enough to make a damag in the Zoo that all the other animals who were alive in that time couldn't ignore.. they remembered that small unknown animal going wild for minutes that felt like iternity.... eventually the small animal out of the cage with no reall support or enough equipped weapons by nature Got killed and he end up at the stomach of a whale of the big bad whales... yet his dead body didn't prevent his presence... not soul because animals don't have souls.. his presence still remembered by those animals which were alive and witnessed everything... then crazy human came and wanted to clone that animal... to make  him his pet.. yet the cloned animal couldn't forget... although his memories are not his real memories because he is cloned.. yet it seems that he still remember those who killed him.. how they ate him.. their ways of hunting... and he was left in the woods to fight until his death... it seems even after putting the clone animal in the Zoo... he couldn't forget the savage way that led him into that road and the other animals who teared him apart... yet he had very big grudge toward two particular types... the keeper of the zoo who allowed things to become this bad and enjoyed seeing the animals killing each other .. and the  animals which used to attack in groups under specific ordered and reliable information... because he remembered all those times he stood his ground with his back against the wall and no other animal cared...and he couldn't forget the others.. them.. those who they risked so much just to make him survive the night.. and he felt worst case scenario was because the worst ppl who do him wrong were from his kind the same kind... 

Friday, 9 June 2023

feelings that I shouldn't tell any one about

عن تحطيم المواهب في دول الخليج وتحديدا في الامارات لم يخطر ببالي ابدا اني سوف اصل الى اماره السعاده تلك التي يدعونها الإمارات واحاول ان أبدا حياه جديده هناك منذ كنت طفلا كنت احلم بالنجاح.. احلم به وبشده.. ومره بعد مره اتفوق على حدودي واقفز فوق تطلعات الآخرين واحقق أهدافي.. بدأ ذلك عندما كنت صغيرا في المدرسه.. وأعدت ذلك عندما ذهبت إلى الجامعه لسنوات عديده وفعلت ذاك في الجامعه كمدرس... وخلال فترات طويله من حياتي كنت مدعاة سخريه... من اني لن استطيع تحقيق هذا الهدف او ذاك أبتداء من أبسط الأمور في الدراسه الجامعيه.. انتهاء بكل العراقيل المستحيله في وجه دراساتي العليا والدكتوراه... وكنت دوما استطيع ان أنجح في آخر ثانيه اخبئ كل قوتي إلى الثانيه الاخيره ولا أظهرها ابدا حتى لحظه الحسم وعدت الى سوريا لاتفاجأ بقوانين جديده لا تسمح لك بالتفكير.. ولا تسمح لك بالأحلام.. لا تسمح لك بأن تعتبر شخصا بل تسمح لك فقط أن تكون مواطن مسحوق.. مسحوق من النظام الذي لا يهتم إلا بمصالح قله قليله جدا لها كل شي ولغيرها لا شيء وهذه الفئه القليله تستبيح كل شي في محيطها من وسطها ووسط غيرها ومسحوق من اكثريه حاقده على نظام قهري تنظر بنظره فوقيه حقيره لأولئك الذين يعيشون خارج سياج السلطه وتنتقم من أولئك الذين يتركون خارج الدائره الضيقه للسلطه.... بابشع الطرق لعدم قدرتهم على الوصول لأولئك المتنفذين.. وبين كل هؤلاء كنت انا... وقد استطعت ان اخلق جوا خاص بي كان لدي منزل صغير في العاصمه... اجلس وحيدا كل يوم اقرأ من مكتبتي.. واتعلم من أولئك المعلمين الذين لم يسمح لي التاريخ يوما ان ألقاهم.... وبينما انا هناك كان لدي اكبر الأساسيات المهمه مكان لانام فيه... حتى وان كان احيانا خصوصا في دمشق ٨٦ يبدو مثل معتقل لا يسمح لي فيه بالتحدث مع أي من الأشخاص المثقفين مثل انفرادي بدون اي تفاعل بشري وبعنصريه مطلقه تستتر بشتى انواع الحجج والأفلام الأخلاقيه وما يدعونه احترام او اي من هذه الأخلاق الزائفه التي يتحججون فيها في وطننا العربي. ومن هناك أدركت اني لن استطيع المتابعه.. فلم يكن من الممكن أن ارتبط حتى وكأن الاقتراب من أنثى في ذلك البلد كان مدعاة لسخط وسفاله البلاد كلها... عندما عدت الى تلك البلاد المدمره أردت أن ابني عائله حياه طبيعيه ودخل مقبول... اعيش فيه حياة هادئه وكل ما أخذته منها ه أمراض نفسيه وقلب اسود اصبحت معه لا استطيع احيانا ان أشعر بوجود اله لان الههم كان مال الغني وسلطه المتنفذ عنصريه رجال الدين والفلتان الامني بالشوارع المدعوم من جنرالات الدم جنرالات الحرب والمال.. وهنا وصلت إلى الإمارات السعاده... و استطيع القول بلا شك وبلا اي تردد اني لم احظ ثانيه واحده من الاستقرار منذ وطئتها قدمي... منذ دخلتها احس بأهل هذه البلاد أو من يتحكم بهم يعاملوني كمجرم.... يعاملوني كأني شخص قادم من الشوارع.. شخص غير مثقف شخص غبي سافل... شخص لم يتلق حتى تعليم ابتدائي.. يعاملوني كشخص من أولئك المنبوذين بالهند الذين ليس لهم أي حق من الحقوق حتى الاقامه بغض النظر ع العمل..... يا رعاع الأرض الذين قابلتهم في الامارات.. يا سفله الأرض... انا شخص من عائله مقتدره... من عائله متعلمه من وسط مثقف مختلف عن ربكم العنصري السافل في هذه البلاد... يا رعاع الأرض يا أرباب المال يا أرباب الجنس ويا أرباب الاديان المزيفه..... لم أستطع ان ابقى في غرفه او تخت لمده تزيد عن ٢٠ يوم منذ وصولي الي هذه الأرض العنصريه... طردت مرارا وتكرارا باسفل واتفه الحجج... تم نعتي باسوء الصفات من تفتخرن بعربيته.... لا يصل إلى تفكير رجلي اكبر رجل من اولئك الذين طردوني مرارا وتكرارا لا يصل إلى ربع اسلوب تفكيري كل أولئك الذين منعوني من العمل في هذه البلاد وتحججو بأشياء لا يملكونها.. أولئك الذين اصرو على جعلي سافلا منحطا غير مثقف سوقي مثل ربهم وحياتهم السافله التي يعيشونها... فليذهب ربكم الى جحيمي... وليذهب برود اعصابكم الى جحيمي... وليذهب مالكم الى محارق هتلر... عساه يقوم من قبره ويتعامل مع عنصريتكم بعنصريه تستطيع استيعاب مدا سفالتكم . .هل تعتقدون ان هناك شخص يستطيع العيش منفردا كل هذا الوقت دون كره الهتكم... ان يهان كل هذه المرات بينما يرا أصحاب العقول الفارغه والشخصيات الحقيره يحصلون على كل شيءبينما اولاد الناس يهانون هكذا.. اولاد العلم والمتعلمون والمثقفون يرمون بالشوارع بحجج واهيه العاب نفسيه لا يلعبها الاالمختلون عقليا.. وكل أولئك العاهرات وكل اولئك التافهين في مدينه الخطيئه التي تدعي انها الجنه... وكل ذلك الظلم في رمضان... اتذكر كل ذلك التهريج في رمضان والعنصريه التي أحسست بها مضاعفه في ذلك لشهر والرمي في الشارع... كل تلك الحروب التي كانت تشن كل يوم في الشوارع... كل تلك العنصريه من أكبر من في هذه البلاد... وكل تلك الأيام التي قابلت أناس يتفاجؤن من قدرتي على التكلم بالانكليزي او العربيه حتى... انا متأكد ان من فعل هذا وحضر الأرضيه لهذا سوري عنصري من اي مكان كان..لان الآخرين استثنائي اخدو فرصتهم هنا . ولاني بمجرد ان اكون في وسط عربي أو وسط سوري احس بعنصريه رهيبه بالتالي لم يكن لدي أي فرصه قبل الوصول هنا لأن العنصريه متأصله في النفوس قبل وصولي هنا.. اريد فقط أغادر قبل أن اقتل أحدا في هذه البلاد العنصريه السافله اكثر من سوريا... أشعر بشعور سيء جدا عندما اسمعهم يتحدثون... أشعر بغضب شديد عندما اسمعهم ينافقون... لا استطيع التعامل مع مشاعري في هذه البلاد عندما اسمعهم على الرغم من ادراكي التام ان الجميع يحاول استغلال مشاعري عندما اتكلم عنها وعلى رأسهم من يتكلم لغتي... لربما لهذا استطيع ان اصمت عده ايام متتاليه من دون تحدث.. لا استطيع السيطره اكثر من هذا على مشاعر كرهي وغضبي على تلك العنصريه اللتي أوصلتني هنا أو على كل أولئك المتكبرين المتعجرفين ونظرتهم وابتزازهم الدائم لي وخصوصا السوريين والعرب منهم... يوما ما سأنفجر ولن يكون ذلك جميلا....قد راهنت وخسرت يجب عليي كان ان اجمع ما استطعت بما بعثه تاكومي واغادر وكر الحقاره هذا ولكني لم أفعل لسبب لا أعرف ما هو بعد... وكلما ازداد الوقت الذي اقضيه وحيدا او بين أشخاص لا استطيع التحدث معهم يزداد السواد في داخلي. بعد سبع شهور في هذه البلاد وبعد ذلك الرهان الخاطئ على ما رايته في هذه المدينه اريد فقط أن اتوقف عن حمل كل هذا الكره في داخلي تجاه من سرقو (الله) من داخلي... لم أعد قادرا على التعامل مع مشاعري او مع أولئك الذين يطلبون من أن أكون عادي واتعامل ببرود و ايجابيه معها... او مع أولئك الذين لا يزالون يناقشون صحه ما حدث من عدم صحته. إن كل قطره دم تنبض في جسدي تفيض بكره جسدي الفاني لا يستطيع استيعابه... ولكن منذ كنت في إيران ويوم وضعت السلام عليك يا ابو عبدالله فوق الجميع.. كان لأذكر انه حتى أولئك الذين يستطيعون الوصول إلى العرش ال شاكرا الملوك والأنبياء جميعهم قتلو او ماتو في النهايه... وان الموت فوق الجميع وانه لا يفرق بين ملك او عادي او بين غني وفقير وناجح وفاشل لقد كان التذكير النهائي بأنه عندما تتخذ قرار بأي اتجاه وتتخذ اي قرار تذكر انه مهما علوت فإن الموت لأشرف الناس كان فوق الجميع... بغض النظر عن سطحيه تفكيرهم هنا وهناك... وصمتي القاتل... لهون انا عم بحكي ...

Sunday, 29 January 2023

Morning thoughts

Have you ever been lost in another world where everything that you once knew is gone? you try too hard to grab the few memories you still have, the few good memories that you try to recall in each little chance but you discover that you don't live there anymore. Have you ever been so fast that the only thing this speed allows you to do is see to the hidden faces of people behind masks? everyone is fighting for something. Some people fight for money because they couldn't get it, or simply because they are too greedy, some people are fighting for power simply because they want to control, some people are fighting for their families, and some people are fighting because of their belief system, some people are fighting because of all the injustice they felt and the hate which was escalating inside because of all the mistreatment. but the most dangerous type is those who fight because fighting is all that they ever knew. it's just because they were in too many battles that they stopped thinking about why they are fighting. those are the most destructive type. It seems that there is power in the hand of the people and this power instead of being used to make their life and their leaders better, it is being used to fuck each other. As if the famous saying that the commons can't make good decisions or that people need someone to control them is true. it seems that the famous misconception that some people can't do or can't learn because of being from a lower class, differnt relegious or raised in a different way is true, maybe its true despite i don't want to beleive it, but in the rais of AI , bioengineering and human machine interface this will be irrelevant. yet I have seen enough in my life to understand this is not the true case. I have seen people that can't speak and just because they are from a good family they were trained to become very good speakers, I have seen very shy men become very outgoing and trained in a way that made them monsters in social life, just because they wanted them this way, or came from a group or place that should have this superpower. but I also saw men and women who had everything they needed to be very successful but been broken by the system systemically inside the law frame. I have seen also very good women turning to bitches because they didn't have a choice or they lost belief in the justice of God. I have seen also very strong believers turn from one side to the other. and it seems that it was inevitable that bitches, sychopath, and assholes are destined to rule over us. and at some point you start to say enough is enough, i have had enough of that...didn't we all been there. i want to go in that direction .. that direction that made bitches have power more than decent women, that direction which made unworthy assholes become so much success and have so much social power that it's difficult to distinguish them from real genuine leaders, and even holy men. in those minutes of life, you start to wonder, what is religious, what is wrong and what is right, who can judge what is good morals and what is not, and if god's words have been twisted so many times through history is it wise to follow those people who were programmed in a certain way to tell us what is right and what is wrong. and even if some people belief in God is so powerful and unshakeable because of their programming since they were children, is it really wise to think we are the only ones going to god kingdom or heaven. the more you read through history the more you start to doubt the need for alot of things, the more you start to doubt the origins story, if all this shit with all this open connected world can happen in this advanced age, just imagine what could have happened in the time kings had power over people as gods, imagine what could happen when no one used to speak the truth about what really happened in the dark. it's really bad to see right through people's words and thoughts because it makes you understand that the most dangerous predators on earth are humans. but the difference between humans and animals is that usually animales at least from the same species don't kill each other, a lot of them even predators don't attack each other, and even if they attack each other they stop before killing each other. but humans don't do that. they can kill each other, they can eat each other, and gives you a very logical explanation for that. i think this is the main problem, is that they can explain that logically, usually the strong in the animal kingdom don't have to explain himself, yet i like those people who when they know when there is no point of explaining they just don't. everything i see in here and through my travelers just indicates that there is a revelation of the people who were distant to be slaves without knowing that, yet the strange idea is that despite that they know, and despite they are given a lot of their freedom it seems that they just want to stay in their comfortables boxes, where they only question their very close environment without questioning anything that they didn't know or see. well, i might have lost the battle of life. I am 38 years old now, I dont have a job, i dont have money, I don't have any friends that i can count on, and i don't have a family or even a girlfriend I spend abig part of my life studying for nothing, and i am alone in a differnt country, i also lost my beleive system of god and in humanity, the only time I had sex in 7 years is with a bitch because I was in a situatinon i started to doubt my orintation and even being human because i needed a female human touch after I spent so long time alone and trying to be a good man and trying to redeem my past mistakes because in my naiive mind I really wanted to go to heaven ....but there is a time when you say enough is enough, because i really can't understand anymore what God or what religious they are talking about.....and the main problem is that I really don't like and don't agree with those who say that we are only monkies,, it seems i can't get along with those also. Despite Losing my old life i just don't know where i am getting all this confident from in analysing my surrounding.

Monday, 23 January 2023

Never thought I will still be standing...

Although I am still standing.... But I can't stress enough of how much my life was bad in the last couple of years... And the problem is that the more I go deep into the rabbit hole..and wonder land.... . The more I think about submitting a refuge demand to Mars maybe I can find happiness there.. If they accepted my refuge application .. First time I understand why Ellon Musk is insisting this much on going to Mars...